List Group Messages

Fetches the group message list for a user.

Iterating through List Group Messages API:
REST API endpoint - /groups/{guid}/messages?limit=1000&fromTimestamp=1679434430&affix=append

The endpoint mentioned above would return 1K messages starting from the mentioned timestamp in fromTimestamp.
In the API response, there would be a meta object nested with previous, current, and next properties.
You have to fetch the value of sentAt property from next object and pass it to the query parameter (fromTimestamp) for the next iteration.

"next": {
      "affix": "append",
      "sentAt": 1679493319,
      "fromTimestamp": "1679434430",
      "id": "1001273"

The above query parameter would fetch the next page.

For more details please visit here

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!