Constraints, Rate limits and Errors:
Properties and Constraints:
API Keys: Properties and Constraints
Item | Property or Constraint | Notes |
API Keys | 100 characters (UTF8mb4 Characters) | This covers all the languages and even emojis. (One emoji uses two characters). |
Maximum number of APIs keys that can be created for an app | 25 |
Users and Groups: Properties and Constraints
Item | Property or Constraint | Notes |
Character limits for UIDs and GUIDs | 100 characters | |
Maximum users in a group (v3) | 100000 | |
Maximum groups a user can be a part of | 2000 | |
Maximum number of friends for a user | 1000 | |
Maximum tokens for a user | No limits | |
Maximum Number of Bot users that can be created | 25 | |
Maximum number of groups | No limits | |
Maximum number of unread messages per user | No limits | |
Maximum number of users that can be created for an app | No limits | |
User and Group ID | 100 characters, alpha-dash (a-z, 0-9 with -and _) without spaces . | CometChat forces the UID to all lowercase. |
User and Group name | 100 characters, UTF8mb4 set | This covers all the languages and even emojis. |
User and Group avatar | Must be a URL, limit of 3000 characters | CometChat doesn’t save the image on its servers.. There is no limit on the image resolution. It depends on the implementation. |
User profile | Must be a URL, limit of 3000 characters | Same as above |
User and Group metadata | The API limit for the POST request length is 10 KB. Hence, the user’s metadata information must fit in the same limit and must not exceed 5 KB. | |
User and Group tag | A user can have up to 25 tags with 100 characters per tag. The tags can be in any language. The character set must be UTF8mb4 | |
Group password | String up to 100 characters | |
Group description | 255 characters, UTF8mb4 set | |
Maximum active presence subscriptions | The presence subscription will be active until 1000 users are online for a single app. if more than 1000 users go online, the presence notification starting from the 1001st user will not be sent to other users. | Note, this is the higher limit applicable across subscription for friends, users with certain roles and all users |
Typing indicators for groups | Typing indicator will be sent for a group of up to 1000 online users. | |
Unread message counts for groups | For a group with more than 300 members, the conversations and unread message counts are not updated. | |
Delivery and read receipts for groups | Delivery and read receipts will be sent for a group of up to 300 online users. |
Roles: Properties and Constraints
Item | Property or Constraint | Notes |
Maximum number of Roles that can be created | Maximum 25 | |
Role UID | 100 characters, alpha-dash (a-z, 0-9 with -and _) without spaces | CometChat forces the UID to lowercase. |
Role name | 100 characters, UTF8mb4 | This covers all the languages and even emojis. |
Role description | 255 characters, UTF8mb4 set, any language. | |
Metadata | No limit |
Messages: Properties and Constraints
Item | Property or Constraint | Notes |
Maximum file attachment size | 100 MB per message | Includes not just the file size but entire POST body (including chat text and custom data) |
Message data (Applicable for API calls) | Data is an arbitrary JSON structure. It accepts utf8mb4. It can have any user defined properties. but the below properties have meaning for CometChat: text, attachments, custom_data, metadata. Note: The attachment size is separate. Here, the attachment is only the attachment properties (such as URL, size, etc.). The size must not exceed 65KB for the data object and 5kb for the metadata object. | |
Message tags | A message can have up to 25 tags with 100 characters per tag. The tags can be in any language. The character set must be UTF8mb4. | |
User and Group conversation tags | A conversation can have up to 25 tags with 100 characters per tag. The tags can be in any language. The character set must be UTF8mb4. | |
Does CometChat keep soft deleted messages in its database? | Yes |
Calling: Properties and Constraints
Item | Property or Constraint | Notes |
Maximum users in a call | 50 | |
Default frame rate for video calls | 30 FPS | |
Resolution for video calls | Maximum - 720p, Minimum - 180p | This depends on the layout selected and the bandwidth available at the user’s end |
Media encryption used | SRTP | |
Audio codec used | OPUS | |
Video codec used | H.264 |
Rate Limits:
must be less than 100 characters & must be alpha-numeric-dash.- Groups (with all features) can be as large as 300 members.
- Groups (without delivery & read receipts & typing indicators) can be as large as 50,000 members and can have up to 10,000 concurrent members.
must be less than 100 characters & must be alpha-numeric-dash.- A user can have up to 500 friends.
- Presence subscription for all users is limited to 1000 users.
- Messages must be less than 65Kb.
Voice & Video Calling
- Up to 4 users can participate in a single voice or video call.
- API calls for core operations are rate limited to 10000 requests per min. Core operations include user connection, create/delete user, create/join group cumulatively.
- API calls for standard operations are rate limited to 20000 requests per min. Standard operations include all other operations cumulatively.
must be less than 50 characters.
must be less than 50 characters & must be alpha-numeric-dash.
Error Code | Error Description |
Auth Errors | |
AUTH_ERR_EMPTY_APPID | Indicates empty appId in the headers. |
AUTH_ERR_INVALID_APPID | Indicates invalid appId or it does not exist in a region. |
AUTH_ERR_EMPTY_APIKEY | Indicates empty API Key in the headers. |
AUTH_ERR_APIKEY_NOT_FOUND | Indicates incorrect API Key in the headers. |
AUTH_ERR_NO_ACCESS | Indicates API Key in the headers can not be used to perform the action. For example, the API key with authOnly scope cannot be used to create a user. |
AUTH_ERR_EMPTY_AUTH_TOKEN | Indicates empty auth token in the headers. |
AUTH_ERR_AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND | Indicates incorrect auth token. |
ERR_AUTH_TOKENS_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that no authentication tokens exist for the provided UID. This usually happens after you have flushed all the tokens. |
API Key Errors | |
ERR_APIKEY_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the api key does not exists. |
ERR_APIKEY_NO_SELF_ACTION | Indicates that the API key in the headers is same as the API key in the path param and it is performing action on it self. The API Key should not update/delete itself. |
Auth Token Errors | |
ERR_AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the auth token does not exists. |
ERR_AUTH_TOKEN_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API failed to delete the auth token. |
ERR_AUTH_TOKENS_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API failed to delete the auth tokens associated with the UID |
ERR_AUTHTOKEN_UNAVAILABLE | Indicates that the auth token is mapped with another device. |
ERR_AUTHTOKEN_NOT_ACCESSIBLE | Indicates that the auth token is mapped with another user. |
Subscription Errors | |
ERR_PLAN_RESTRICTION | Indicates that the feature is not available with the plan. |
ERR_SUBSCRIPTION_EXPIRED | Indicates that the subscription has expired and must resubscribe to continue using the service. |
ERR_PLAN_QUOTA_RESTRICTION | Indicates that the allowed limit for the feature has reached. |
Role Errors | |
ERR_ROLE_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the role does not exist. |
ERR_ROLE_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API failed to delete the role. |
ERR_ROLE_DELETE_DENIED | Indicates that the API cannot delete the role as the default role can not be deleted. |
User Errors | |
ERR_UID_NOT_FOUND | Indicates any one of the following: 1. UID does not exist. 2. User is soft deleted. |
ERR_UID_ALREADY_EXISTS | Indicates that the User associated with the UID already exists. |
ERR_UID_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API failed to delete the user. |
ERR_FRIEND_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | indicates that the maximum number of friends for the user with the provided UID exceeds the allowed limit. |
Bots Errors | |
ERR_BOT_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that a bot is not associated with the UID. |
ERR_BOT_ALREADY_EXISTS | Indicates that a bot is already associated with the UID. |
Group Errors | |
ERR_GUID_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the GUID does not exist. |
ERR_GUID_ALREADY_EXISTS | This indicates that the provided GUID already exists in our system. |
ERR_EMPTY_GROUP_PASS | Indicates one from the below: 1. Empty password for password type group to create group API. 2. Empty password for pasword type group to join group API. |
ERR_GROUP_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API failed to delete the group. |
ERR_NOT_A_MEMBER | Indicates that the user is not a member of the group. |
ERR_WRONG_GROUP_PASS | Indicates password mismatch for the password type group. |
ERR_ALREADY_JOINED | Indicates that the user has already joined the group. |
ERR_GROUP_NOT_JOINED | Indicates that the user is trying to access the group feature without joining it. |
ERR_GROUP_JOIN_NOT_ALLOWED | Indicates that the user is trying to join the private group. |
ERR_JOINED_GROUP_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Indicates that the joined group limit for the user with the provided UID exceeds the allowed maximum group limit. |
ERR_MEMBER_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API has failed to remove a user from the group. |
ERR_NO_VACANCY | Indicates that the group is full. |
ERR_SAME_SCOPE | Indicates that the existing and new scope are same. |
ERR_MEMBER_SCOPE_CHANGE_FAILED | Indicates that the has failed to change the scope. |
ERR_NOT_A_BANNED_USER | Indicates that the API is trying to unban non-banned user. |
ERR_BANNED_GROUPMEMBER | Indicates that the banned user is trying to access the group features. |
ERR_ALREADY_BANNED | Indicates that the API is trying to ban an already banned user. |
ERR_MEMBER_BAN_FAILED | Indicates that the API has failed to ban a user from the group. |
ERR_MEMBER_UNBAN_FAILED | Indicates that the API has failed to unban a user for the group. |
ERR_GROUP_NO_CLEARANCE | Indicates that the user does not have permission to perform the action in the group. For example, user with participant scope can not kick users with admin or moderator scope. |
ERR_GROUP_NO_ADMIN_SCOPE | Indicates that the user does not have admin scope in the group. |
ERR_GROUP_NO_MODERATOR_SCOPE | Indicates that the user does not have moderator scope in the group. |
ERR_GROUP_NO_SCOPE_CLEARANCE | Indicates that the user does not have permission to change scope of other user. |
ERR_GROUP_NO_SELF_ACTION | Indicates that the user is not allowed to perform action on himself. For example, changing his own scope. |
ERR_GROUP_OWNER_DEMOTE_FORBIDDEN | Indicates that the user with provided UID does not have enough clearance to perform the specified action. |
ERR_OWNER_EXIT_FORBIDDEN | Indicates that the owner with the provided UID cannot leave the group with the provided GUID. Kindly transfer ownership before leaving the group. |
Message Errors | |
ERR_EMPTY_RECEIVER | Indicates that the receiver cannot be empty. |
ERR_INVALID_RECEIVER_TYPE | Indicates that the invalid receiver type. |
ERR_CONVERSATION_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the conversation id does not exists. |
ERR_CONVERSATION_NOT_ACCESSIBLE | Indicates that the conversation id not accessible to the user. 1. A user can access his own one-to-one conversations. 2. A user can access the group conversations if he is member of the group. |
ERR_CONVERSATION_MISMATCH | Indicates that the message with the provided message ID does not belong to the conversation with the provided conversation ID. |
ERR_USER_MESSAGE_DELETE_FAILED | Indicates that the API has failed to delete a one-to-one message. |
ERR_MESSAGE_ID_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the message does not exist. |
ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_DATA | Indicates invalid message body. |
ERR_EMPTY_MESSAGE_TEXT | Indicates empty messages text for a text message. |
ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_TEXT | Indicates that the message text should be string. |
ERR_EMPTY_MESSAGE_CATEGORY | Indicates message category cannot be empty. |
ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_CATEGORY | Indicates invalid message category. |
ERR_EMPTY_MESSAGE_TYPE | Indicates message type cannot be empty. |
ERR_INVALID_MESSAGE_TYPE | Indicates invalid message type. |
ERR_EMPTY_MESSAGE_FILE | Indicates empty FILE for the media message. |
ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_A_SENDER | Indicates that only sender can edit/delete the message. |
ERR_MESSAGE_NOT_A_RECEIVER | indicates that the user with the provided UID is not a recipient of the message with the provided message ID. |
ERR_MESSAGE_NO_ACCESS | Indicates user does not have access to the message. 1. For one-to-one message user should either be sender or receiver of the message. 2. For group message user should be the member of the group. |
ERR_MESSAGE_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED | Indicates that the message can not be edited or deleted. For example, Action messages cannot be edited or deleted by the API. |
ERR_EMPTY_CUSTOM_DATA | Indicates data.customData can not be empty for custom message. |
ERR_INVALID_MEDIA_MESSAGE | Indicates invalid media message. |
ERR_INVALID_CUSTOM_DATA | Indicates invalid data.customData . The customData should be valid JSON. |
ERR_INVALID_METADATA | Indicates invalid data.metadata . The metadata should be valid JSON. |
ERR_WRONG_MESSAGE_THREAD | Indicates conversation mismatch for parent and a new threaded message. |
ERR_MESSAGE_THREAD_NESTING | Indicates nested message threading. |
ERR_WRONG_MESSAGE_THREAD_CATEGORY | Indicates conversation mismatch for parent and a new threaded message. |
ERR_ROLE_ACCESS_DENIED | Indicates that the operation is restricted by role-based access control. |
ERR_MESSAGE_MENTIONS_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | Indicates that you have exceeded the limit of mentions per message. |
ERR_INVALID_CATEGORY | Indicates that the selected category is invalid. |
ERR_MESSAGE_REACTION_ALREADY_ADDED | Indicates that the user with the provided UID has already reacted with the provided reaction to the message with the provided ID. |
ERR_MESSAGE_REACTION_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the the provided reaction ID for the message with the provided message ID is missing from the user with the provided UID. |
Calling Errors | |
ERR_CALLING_SELF | Indicates user is initiating call with himself. |
ERR_CALL_BUSY_SELF | Indicates initiator of the call is participant of another ongoing call. |
ERR_CALL_BUSY_GROUP | Indicates that for a group call, the group has and existing ongoing call. |
ERR_CALL_BUSY_USER | Indicates that the recipient of the call is already busy on another call. |
ERR_EMPTY_CALL_SESSION_ID | Indicates empty session id. |
ERR_CALL_SESSION_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the call does not exist. |
ERR_CALL_TERMINATED | Indicates that a call is terminated. The error response is generated when a user tries to update the status of an ended call. |
ERR_CALL_GROUP_ALREADY_JOINED | Indicates that the user is already a member of the group call. |
ERR_CALL_GROUP_ALREADY_LEFT | Indicates that the user trying to leave the group call has already left the call. |
ERR_CALL_INVALID_INIT | Indicates that call status cannot be updated to initiated . |
ERR_CALL_USER_ALREADY_JOINED | Indicates that the one-to-one call was already joined by the recipient of the call. |
ERR_CALL_GROUP_INVALID_STATUS | Indicates invalid call status for a group call. For example, group call cannot have a busy status. |
ERR_CALL_ONGOING_TO_INVALID | Indicates updating invalid status for an ongoing call. For example, ongoing call can not become a busy call. |
ERR_CALL_NOT_A_PART | Indicates that the user is not part of the call. For example, a third user tries to join a one-to-one call. |
ERR_CALL_EMPTY_JOINED_AT | Indicates that the joinedAt body param is required to join a group. |
ERR_CALL_NOT_STARTED | Indicates that status of call cannot be changed from initiated to ended directly. |
Friends Errors | |
ERR_ALREADY_FRIEND | Indicates that the users are already friends. |
ERR_NOT_A_FRIEND | Indicates unfriending non-friended users. |
ERR_CANNOT_FORM_SELF_RELATION | Indicates user cannot friend himself. |
ERR_FAILED_TO_ADD_FRIEND | Indicates that the API has failed to add friend. |
Block Users Errors | |
ERR_CANNOT_BLOCK_SELF | Indicates that user cannot block himself. |
ERR_BLOCKED_RECEIVER | Indicates user has blocked the receiver of the message/call. |
ERR_BLOCKED_SENDER | Indicates that the iniator of the call is blocked by the recipient. |
Extension Errors | |
ERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND | Indicates extension does not exist. |
ERR_BLOCKED_BY_EXTENSION | Indicates that the message is blocked by the extension. For example, human moderation extension can block the message sending. |
Webhook Errors | |
ERR_WEBHOOK_NOT_FOUND | Indicates that the webhook does not exist. |
ERR_BLOCKED_BY_WEBHOOK | Indicates that the message is blocked by the extension. |
ERR_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND | Indicates trigger does not exist. |
General Errors | |
ERR_INVALID_API_VERSION | Indicates invalid API version. |
ERR_API_NOT_FOUND | Indicates one from the list below: 1. API endpoint does not exist. 2. The endpoint does not use HTTP request method using which API is called. |
ERR_MISSION_FAILED | Indicates one from the list below: 1. Fatal error. 2. Database Connection Timeout. |
ERR_BAD_REQUEST | Indicates the failed validations for the body params. |
ERR_OPERATION_FAILED | Indicates database operation failure. |
ERR_EXCEPTION | Indicates incorrectly/poorly handled exception. |
ERR_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Indicates rate limiting. |
ERR_BAD_ERROR_RESPONSE | Indicates one from the list below: 1. The API developer has used unknown error code. 2. The API developer hasn't reassigned the error code. |
ERR_SERVICE_TIMEOUT | Indicates that the intermediate service timed out while fetching or processing the request. |
Websocket Errors | |
ERR_WS_INIT_FAILED | Indicates failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_APP_INIT_FAILED | Indicates App creation failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_APP_DESTROY_FAILED | Indicates App delete failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_ROLE_CREATION_FAILED | Indicates role creation failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_ROLE_DELETION_FAILED | Indicates role deletion failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_USER_CREATION_FAILED | Indicates user creation failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_USER_UPDATION_FAILED | Indicates user updation failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_GROUP_CREATION_FAILED | Indicates group creation failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_GROUP_DELETION_FAILED | Indicates group deletion failure at Web Socket Server. |
ERR_WS_GROUP_JOIN_FAILED | Indicates group member join failure at Web Socket Server. |