Constraints, Rate limits and Errors

Properties and Constraints:

Multi-Tenancy Apps:

ItemProperty or ConstraintNotes
App length100 characters, UTF8mb4 set
App versionv3This is the only option available
Number of Collaborators that can be created (team management)Maximum 25


ItemProperty or ConstraintNotes
Maximum number of webhooks in an appMaximum 25
Webhook URLValid URL, maximum 255 characters
Webhook ID50 characters, UTF8mb4 set, alphanumeric (without spaces)
Webhook authentication username50 characters, alphanumeric (without spaces)
Webhook authentication password100 characters, alphanumeric (without spaces)


Multi-Tenancy Apps:

ERR_APP_CREATION_FAILED_MAX_LIMITYou have reached the maximum number of complimentary apps allowed. To proceed, consider deleting an existing app or upgrading one of your apps to a paid plan.

Once you've made the necessary adjustments, you can try again.
ERR_APP_ARCHIVEDThe app has been archived and would be permanently deleted after 30 days
ERR_APP_DELETIONThe application with the returned App ID is currently associated with a paid subscription plan. This means that it is actively being used with paid features and services.
If you are considering deleting the application despite its active subscription, we recommend reaching out to the CometChat support team for further assistance and guidance.
ERR_APP_NOT_FOUNDIndicates any one of the following:
1. AppId does not exist.
2. AppId is archived.
ERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUNDThe provided extension ID does not correspond to any existing microservice.
Please verify the ID and try again.
ERR_EXTENSION_INACTIVEThe operation failed because the provided extension ID is currently inactive.
Team Management
ERR_ALREADY_AN_OWNERThe user trying to perform the operation is already registered as an owner of the App.
ERR_SELF_ACTION_DENIEDThe user cannot add itself as a collaborator
ERR_NOT_A_COLLABORATORThe user identified by the entered email is not a collaborator for the requested app.


ERR_WEBHOOK_NOT_FOUNDIndicates the webhook does not exist.
ERR_BAD_REQUESTIndicates a validation error.
AUTH_ERR_EMPTY_AUTH_HEADERIndicates the authentication header is missing