
Customise Conversation Previews and Unread Counts

Tailor the conversation list by choosing which message types appear as the last message for each conversation & increment the unread message count.

The set of keys that is used for toggling features are as follows:

keysdescriptiondefault value
core.conversations.updateOnGroupActionsThis key indicates whether the group actions like member joined, left, banned, etc. should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.true
core.conversations.updateOnRepliesThis key indicates whether sending a message in a thread should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not.
Please note that thread replies will not increment the unread count for a conversation.
core.conversations.updateOnMessageActionsThis key indicates whether message actions like message edited & deleted should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false
core.conversations.updateOnCallActivityThis key indicates whether call activities like call initiated, accepted, rejected, etc. should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false
core.threads.updateOnMessageActionsThis key indicates whether message actions like message edited & deleted in a thread should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false
core.notifications.push.enabledTrue if Enhanced Push Notifications feature is enabled for the app, false otherwise.false

Kindly refer to the Map settings API for turning on/off the above-mentioned features in an app.