
Customise Conversation Previews and Unread Counts

Tailor the conversation list by choosing which message types appear as the last message for each conversation & increment the unread message count.

The set of keys that is used for toggling features are as follows:

keysdescriptiondefault value
core.conversations.updateOnGroupActionsThis key indicates whether the group actions like member joined, left, banned, etc. should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.true
core.conversations.updateOnRepliesThis key indicates whether sending a message in a thread should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not.
Please note that thread replies will not increment the unread count for a conversation.
core.conversations.updateOnMessageActionsThis key indicates whether message actions like message edited & deleted should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false
core.conversations.updateOnCallActivityThis key indicates whether call activities like call initiated, accepted, rejected, etc. should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false
core.threads.updateOnMessageActionsThis key indicates whether message actions like message edited & deleted in a thread should be displayed as the last message in a conversation or not along with the unread count.false

Kindly refer to the Map settings API for turning on/off the above-mentioned features in an app.