These docs are for v2. Click to read the latest docs for v3.
Add Memberu.addMemberAllows logged-in user to add a member to a group.
Ban Useru.banAllows logged-in user to ban a member in a group. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin/moderator of a group.
Block Useru.blockUserAllows logged-in user to block a user.
Change Scopeu.changeScopeAllows logged-in user to change the scope of a member in a group. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin/moderator of a group.
Initiate Callu.createCallAllows logged-in user to initiate a call.
Create Groupu.createGroupAllows logged-in user to create a group.
Send Messageu.createMessageAllows logged-in user to send a message.
Reply to a Messageu.createMessageThreadAllows logged-in user to block a user.
Delete Callu.deleteCallAllows logged-in user to delete a call.
Delete Conversationu.deleteConversationForUserAllows logged-in user to delete a conversation for himself.
Delete Groupu.deleteGroupAllows logged-in user to delete a group.
Delete Group Messagesu.deleteGroupMessagesAllows logged-in user to delete messages in a group.
Delete Messageu.deleteMessageAllows logged-in user to delete a message.
Fetch Blocked Usersu.getBlockedUsersAllows logged-in user to fetch the list of blocked users.
Get Callu.getCallAllows logged-in user to fetch the details of a call.
Get Conversationu.getConversationAllows logged-in user to get the details of a conversation.
Get Groupu.getGroupAllows logged-in user to get the details of a group.
List Group Messagesu.getGroupMessagesAllows logged-in user to fetch messages in a group.
Get Memberu.getMemberAllows logged-in user to get details of a member in a group.
Get Messageu.getMessageAllows logged-in user to get the details of a message.
Get My Detailsu.getMyDetailsAllows logged-in user to fetch his own details.
Get Useru.getUserAllows logged-in user to fetch the details of any other user.
List User Messagesu.getUserMessagesAllows logged-in user to fetch messages sent/received from another user.
Join Groupu.joinGroupAllows logged-in user to join a group.
Kick Memberu.kickMemberAllows logged-in user to kick a member from the group. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin/moderator of a group.
Leave Groupu.leaveGroupAllows logged-in user to leave a group.
List Banned Usersu.listBannedUsersAllows logged-in user to fetch the banned members in a group.
List Callsu.listCallsAllows logged-in user to fetch the call list.
List Conversationsu.listConversationsAllows logged-in user to fetch the conversation list.
List Group Membersu.listGroupMembersAllows logged-in user to fetch the members list for a group.
List Groupsu.listGroupsAllows logged-in user to fetch the group list.
List Messages
u.listMessagesAllows logged-in user to fetch all the messages sent by/for him.
List Settingsu.listSettingsAllows logged-in user to fetch the settings.
List Threaded Messages
u.listThreadedMessagesAllows logged-in user to fetch all the replies for a message.
List Users

u.listUsersAllows logged-in user to fetch the user list.
Logoutu.logoutAllows logged-in user to logout.
Group Mass Operation

u.massMemberOperateAllows logged-in user to manage multiple group members with a single API call. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin of a group.
Patch Owneru.patchOwnerAllows logged-in user to transfer the ownership of a group. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner of a group.
unban User
u.unbanAllows logged-in user to unban a member. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin/moderator of a group.
Unblock User
u.unblockUserAllows logged-in user to unblock a user.
Updates AuthToken
u.updateAuthTokenAllows logged-in user to update his own details and authtoken details.
Update Callu.updateCallAllows logged-in user to change the status of initiated/ongoing call.
Edit Group
u.updateGroupAllows logged-in user to edit group details. The operation can only be performed if the logged-in user is owner/admin/moderator of a group.
Edit Message

u.updateMessageAllows logged-in user to edit a message. The message can only be edited if the logged-in user is the sender of the message or moderator/admin of a group.